There are two ways to look at this. One is that America has never been great because we have always in some manner fallen short of the ideals set forth in our founding documents. Our history is surely full of evidence of our failures. But the other way is recognize that America has always been great because we have steadily moved closer to making those ideals a reality for all of our citizens, even though our founding fathers were products of their time, with all of the prejudice, misogyny, cruelty, and injustice inherent in that time. The journey has been slow, with many pitfalls, occasional horrendous violence, and movement sometimes in the wrong direction. To this day we are still trying to get it right, and the whole philosophy of MAGA is one of those historical anomalies which we will have to marginalize and overcome in order to reach our highest ideals of equal opportunity for all. Maybe the job will never be finished, but it is certainly worth the doing.