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Let Us Look At Uranus
the sad tale of a planet and the god for whom it was named
The seventh planet from the sun is named for the Greek god of the sky: Uranus. That seems appropriate, since Uranus is indeed in the sky. And while you may go for months or even years without thinking about Uranus, the name and the planet actually have some interesting attributes, so for a moment please allow me to bend your ear and as well as anything else that may need to be bent so that we can take a look at Uranus.
First, the god. The god for whom Uranus was named had a rough life. According to Greek mythology, Uranus was called Father Sky — even though he wasn’t Catholic — and he was both the son and the husband of Gaia, who was also called Mother Earth. When one female is both your mom and your wife, it can mess with your mind, so Uranus faced challenges in his life from the beginning.
Uranus’ life continued to get worse until finally something really bad happened. Gaia and Uranus had several children, but Gaia didn’t like any of the kids, so she did what any disgruntled mother-wife would do and had one of her sons castrate Uranus with a huge sickle and throw the severed testicles into the sea. You read that right: Uranus was castrated by one of his own sons. If you’ve ever had your testicles cut off and thrown into the ocean, than you can fully appreciate what a rough day that was for Uranus. He never really got over it.
But all was not lost. In a classic example of a lemon turning into lemonade, Uranus’ submerged testicles…