Four soldiers have their backs to the camera so it is impossible to see their faces. Three faces are seen in the profile and are mostly obscured. That leaves three other faces fully exposed. And of those three fully exposed faces.....
The man on the left from the perspective of the viewer seems to have an analytical look on his face, as if he is thinking, "A camera? Is that a camera?" He is Mr. Spock (or would that be Spockovich?). He will devise a rational solution to the problem.
The soldier in the middle is leaning towards the camera and looks aggressive. "How did this happen?! Let me out of this damn elevator!"
And then there's the guy in the back. He looks rather young and has a confused, deer-in-the-headlights look on his face. He's just a bit overwhelmed, and he's thinking, "What the f***?! I don't wanna be here! Can I just go home now?"
Part of me almost feels sorry for many of the Russian soldiers, because so many of them are conscipts who don't really want to be there. But then I look at the devastation, chaos, and misery they have brought to Ukraine and any empathy for them goes right out the window.
And all because of one man's dream of empire. A sad story which has been played out all too many times in human history.